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National Plan for Vacation Day: January 28, 2020


Today is National Plan for Vacation Day! Established by the U.S. Travel Association, they designated today “to encourage Americans to plan their time off.” Did you know that last year “55% of Americans left vacation days unused”? That’s equal to “more than 768 million vacation days.” You can see more statistics and facts about planning a vacation at: Travel and leisure afforded through vacations is essential to mental, emotional,...

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Local events

Restaurant Week in MB is January 12-22


The popular Restaurant Week in MB is returning to the Grand Strand area for 11 days from January 12-22, 2017. There will be many restaurants in the area offering special menus and dinners at discounted prices. It’s a great time to dine out at some of the restaurants around South Carolina that you’ve always wanted to try but thought you couldn’t afford. Did we mention the great specials? Whether you’re...

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Local events

Accommodations for the 2016 Georgetown Wooden Boat Show


One of the most well-attended and popular events in the area every October is the Georgetown Wooden Boat Show. Always held the third weekend in October this year’s show is Saturday, October 15 and Sunday, October 16 and admission is free. If you’re coming to the area specifically to attend the boat show, take a look at the luxurious accommodations we have in the Georgetown area at DeBordieu Rentals. You’re...

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