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Over 40 Years of Vacation Rental Experience. Peace Vacations offers a full-service organization of highly skilled professionals in DeBordieu Colony and Pawleys Island. This means we will be there for you, whatever you need and whenever you need it.


Hampton Peace

Principal and Broker in Charge

129 Luvan Boulevard, Suite B Georgetown, SC 29440 843.527.9894


Brian Fournier

Chief Operating Officer

129 Luvan Boulevard, Suite B Georgetown, SC 29440 843.527.9894


Ken Willis

Senior Director

129 Luvan Boulevard, Suite B Georgetown, SC 29440 843.527.9894


Kim Blackwell

Rental Manager / Owner Experience Manager

129 Luvan Boulevard, Suite B Georgetown, SC 29440 843.527.9894


Quansha Wilson

Reservation Specialist

129 Luvan Boulevard, Suite B Georgetown, SC 29440 843.527.9894

Property Management

Participation in the DeBordieu Rental program means you have an onsite partner to assist you in the management of your property and your rentals. No party outside our community has the same level of cooperation and communication with the DCCA or the Club. That relationship is only going to grow stronger as we strengthen our ties and take advantage of the synergy from our collaboration.

Then there is the cost savings. Instead of charging you every time someone goes to your home, we have a fulltime maintenance staff that will do many services that you are currently paying for piecemeal. Our maintenance staff changes light bulbs, batteries and air filters for free. That includes parts and labor. Our maintenance people will trouble shoot every service call to determine to necessity of an outside vendor and which vendor best fits the need. In many cases, maintenance can resolve the issue without further expense.

Our staff can change flappers, rebuild toilets and do other light plumbing and electrical work. Your only expense is the parts. Think how much this simple feature will save you throughout the year. They will also do winterizing and limited hurricane preparation.