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Enhanced Cleaning, Disinfection and Sanitization



The hospitality industry has a longstanding commitment to cleanliness and safety for our employees and guests. The following health and safety guidelines represent best practices for the hospitality industry, in accordance with CDC guidelines. It is anticipated that these guidelines and protocols will evolve based on the recommendations of public health authorities and must be done in compliance with any federal, state and local laws.

Dear Valued Guest,

Cleanliness and safety have been at the core of our company since its beginning. Taking care of our guests and employees well-being is the essence of what we do. The recent Coronavirus pandemic has challenged this sense of well-being as it has impacted our economy, industry, and individual lives. Yet, working together, we can reassure everyone that our properties remain among the safest places for leisure and relaxation.

Long before the Coronavirus, our company was dedicated to cleaning at the highest standards.It is in this spirit that we have aligned our cleaning standards with the American Hotel and Lodging Association (AHLA) recently launched Safe Stay. These guidelines are a commitment to enhanced cleaning measures and safety guidelines that help us meet and exceed the concerns created during the pandemic.

Our guests deserve the peace of mind in knowing that our company is united behind an industry set of cleaning and safety practices. Safe Stay was created in accordance with guidance issued by public health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

This alignment with Safe Stay demonstrates our commitment to our top priority; the health and safety of guests.


Hampton Peace
Peace Vacations President & CEO

Guest & Employee Health

Washing Hands & Hand Sanitizer
CDC guidelines should govern employee procedures and protocols regarding hand washing and use of hand sanitizer. Washing hands with soap and water is the preferable method. In situations where soap/water is not available, alcohol-based sanitizer is recommended. Hand sanitizer should include no less than 60% alcohol content.

Front of the House Signage
During all times in which the usage of face coverings are recommended by the CDC and/or other local health authorities, health and hygiene reminders should be placed at high-traffic areas on property, including the rental and sales offices, indicating the proper way to wear, handle and dispose of coverings.

Back of the House Signage
Signage that aligns with CDC information, including how to avoid infection should be posted at a minimum in the employee break room and cafeteria, and other areas employees frequently enter or exit. Signage will remind employees of the proper way to wear, handle and dispose face coverings, use gloves, wash hands, sneeze and to avoid touching their faces.

Employee & Guest Health Concerns
Responding swiftly and reporting to local health officials any presumed cases of COVID-19 at our facilities is a staff-wide requirement. Employees exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should remain or return home. While at work, employees who notice a coworker or guest exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 should immediately contact a manager. In accordance with CDC guidelines, an enterprise-level hazard assessment of the workplace will then be conducted to identify potential workplace hazards related to COVID-19.

Case Notification
Confirmed cases of COVID-19 will be immediately reported to local health authorities in accordance with appropriate actions recommended by the CDC. The confidentiality of guest or employees suspected of being infected of COVID-19 will be protected as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Hand Cleaning
If not wearing protective gloves, all employees will follow CDC guidance regarding handwashing and use of hand sanitizer. Employees will wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, or use sanitizer when a sink is not available, after any of the following activities: using the restroom, sneezing, touching the face, cleaning, smoking, eating, drinking, accepting items from a guest(ID, cash, credit card, key card), taking a break, and before a shift and as needed throughout the shift.

In accordance with CDC guidelines, employees will use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol and cover all surfaces of the hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Also, housekeeping staff will clean hands or change gloves between cleaning guest properties. When possible, employees should wear gloves for added protection and sanitation efforts. Proper hand hygiene, in accordance with CDC guidelines, will be followed prior to and after removing the gloves.

COVID-19 Training
All employees receive COVID-19 safety and facility sanitation protocols training recommendations from the CDC with more comprehensive training, consistent with the CDC, for employees with frequent guest contact including Housekeeping, Food & Beverage, Security, and Maintenance/Engineering.

Face Coverings & Other Protective Steps
CDC recommendations along with federal and local government regulations should dictate appropriate use of face covering, glove use, physical distancing and cleaning/disinfecting. These steps, along with appropriate training for use and disposal, should be made available to anyone upon request.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Products and Protocols
Public Spaces & Communal Areas Surfaces frequently touched by multiple people are cleaned and disinfected at least daily. More frequent cleaning and disinfection may be required based on level of use including, but not limited to, check-in counter, door handles, public bathrooms, keys and locks, pool seating and surrounding areas, dining surfaces and all seating areas.

Guest Properties
Cleaning and disinfecting protocols will require that particular attention is paid to high-touch, hard non- porous items including television remote controls, toilet seats and handles, door and furniture handles, water faucet handles, nightstands, telephones, light switches, temperature control panels, alarm clocks and flooring. The frequency of the property’s cleaning during a guest’s stay may be altered based on guest requirements. In accordance with CDC guidelines, Housekeeping staff will wait at least 10 minutes before entering a property for cleaning to allow for adequate time for air exchange following the guest’s departure, and will discard all single use items provided that were used by the guest during their stay, or left by the guest. If bulk personal care items are used, the cleaning staff should clean and disinfect all high touch surfaces in the room including any bulk toiletry items that may have been used or touched by guests prior to the next occupant.

Linens, towels and laundry will be washed in accordance with CDC guidelines, including washing items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Items are laundered using the warmest permissible water setting for the items and items are dried completely. Staff avoid shaking dirty linens and bag it in the property to eliminate excess contact while being transported to the laundry facility.

Back of the House
Cleaning and disinfecting of all high touch areas occur in accordance with CDC guidelines, including at least twice per day in high traffic areas.

Shared Equipment
Shared tools and equipment should be disinfected after each shift or transfer to a new employee.

Following a standard cleaning, frequently touched surfaces and objects are disinfected using a product from EPA’s list of approved products that are effective against COVID-19. Cleaning products and protocols include EPA-approved disinfectants, or alcohol solutions with at least 70% alcohol in accordance with CDC requirements for use and effectiveness against viruses, bacteria and other airborne and blood borne pathogens. Cleaning with soap and water will decrease how much of the virus is on surfaces and objects, which reduces the risk of exposure. Disinfectants kill germs on surfaces. By killing germs on a surface after cleaning, you can further lower the risk of spreading infection. For more information, please refer to the CDC guidelines on disinfecting buildings and facilities.

Property Recovery Protocol
In the event of a presumptive case of COVID-19, the affected property will be removed from service and quarantined for at least 24 hours in accordance with CDC guidelines. The property will not be returned to service until undergoing an enhanced cleaning and disinfecting utilizing EPA approved products within CDC guidelines.

Physical Distancing & Queuing
As recommended by the CDC’s physical distancing guidelines, guests should be advised to practice physical distancing by standing at least six feet away from other groups of people not traveling with them, including any area where guests or employees queue. Such areas should be clearly marked for appropriate physical distancing, and where possible, encourage one-way guest flow with marked entrances and exits.

Guest Properties
In anticipation of individual concerns of guests, housekeeping should not enter a guest property during a stay unless specifically requested, or approved, by the guest, or to comply with established safety protocols. Housekeeping should maintain the practice of cleaning and disinfecting properties thoroughly following guest departure.

Rental Office & Concierge
Rental Office agents practice physical distancing protocols and procedures, which may include utilizing every other workstation to ensure separation between employees whenever applicable and possible, installation of transparent shields or other barriers, and updating floor plans for communal areas to promote physical distancing. The use of technology to reduce direct contact with guests and the rental office is encouraged, where feasible. In addition, contactless payment processes are encouraged, and when not available, employees should minimize contact as much as possible.

Pools and Beaches
Physical distancing, disinfecting and management protocols and processes for pool and beach areas should be conducted in accordance with CDC guidelines on aquatic venues, including community pools, hot tubs and water playgrounds. Back of the House Physical distancing among all employees should be practiced in employee dining rooms, uniform control areas, training classrooms, shared office spaces, and other high-density areas.

Legal Disclaimer
This information is intended solely for the purpose of providing the hospitality industry with top line health and safety guidance. The information provided is obtained from publicly available sources, including federal agencies and governmental entities, member companies, other leading trade associations and consultants.

The information contained in these guidelines is general in nature and should not be considered to be medical, legal, insurance or any other professional advice. In all cases you should consult with professional advisors familiar with your particular factual situation before making any decisions. While we have taken every precaution to ensure that the content of these guidelines is both current and accurate, errors may occur. AHLA, the AHLA Safe Stay Advisory Council, DeBordieu Rentals and Peace Vacations assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of these guidelines. The information contained in these guidelines is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness and without any warranties of any kind whatsoever, express or implied.

In no event will any of the authors, contributors, administrators or anyone else connected with the above named, in any way whatsoever, be liable to you, or anyone else, for your use of the information contained in these guidelines, or for any decision(s) made or action(s) taken in reliance upon the information contained in these guidelines, or for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, consequential or other damages whatsoever whether in an action of contract, statute, tort or otherwise, relating to the use of these guidelines.